Girl names meaning considered

Girl names meaning considered. All you need to know about considered. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about considered. Baby girl names meaning considered. List of new born baby name, meaning considered at considered.

French, France girl names


15 May , 2024  

The baby name Agate is a girl name. The name Agate comes from the French, France origin. In English The meaning of the name Agate is: Old French. Named for a semi-precious stone. May also be considered a variant of the Greek name Agatha, “good.” Information: Name: AgateName meaning: Old French. Named for a semi-precious […]

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African, Africa girl names


2 Sep , 2020  

The baby name Andromeda is a girl name. The name Andromeda comes from the African, Africa origin. In English The meaning of the name Andromeda is: “Ruler of men.”According to Greek mythology, Andromeda married Perseus, who had saved her from Medusa, a monster of the sea.Andromeda was said to be an Aethiopian (meaning African) princess.Ancient […]

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