Girl names meaning superhuman

Girl names meaning superhuman. All you need to know about superhuman. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about superhuman. Baby girl names meaning superhuman. List of new born baby name, meaning superhuman at superhuman.

Hebrew girl names


25 Jan , 2017  

The baby name Dalila is a girl name. The name Dalila comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Dalila is: Desired or Languishing. The Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength. Information: Name: DalilaName meaning: Desired or Languishing. The Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing […]

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Hebrew girl names


6 Sep , 2016  

The baby name Delila is a girl name. The name Delila comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Delila is: Desired. Languishing. The Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength. Information: Name: DelilaName meaning: Desired. Languishing. The Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret […]

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Hebrew girl names


6 Sep , 2016  

The baby name Delilah is a girl name. The name Delilah comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Delilah is: Desired. Languishing. The Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength. Information: Name: DelilahName meaning: Desired. Languishing. The Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret […]

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