Girl names meaning pharaohs

Girl names meaning pharaohs. All you need to know about pharaohs. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about pharaohs. Baby girl names meaning pharaohs. List of new born baby name, meaning pharaohs at pharaohs.

Arabian, arabic girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Asia is a girl name. The name Asia comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Asia is: Lively: The rising sun. The name of the continent used as a given name. According to the Koran the Pharaoh’s wife Asia raised the infant Moses. A variant of […]

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Arabian, arabic girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Asianne is a girl name. The name Asianne comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Asianne is: The rising sun. The name of the continent used as a given name. According to the Koran the Pharaoh’s wife Asia raised the infant Moses. A variant of Aisha: […]

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Arabian, arabic girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Azia is a girl name. The name Azia comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Azia is: The rising sun. The name of the continent used as a given name. According to the Koran the Pharaoh’s wife Asia raised the infant Moses. A variant of Aisha: […]

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Hebrew girl names


20 Dec , 2011  

The baby name Myriam is a girl name. The name Myriam comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Myriam is: Ancient version of Mary. In the Bible Miriam sister of Moses saved his life when she hid infant Moses in a basket among the rushes at the river’s edge for […]

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