Girl names meaning crusades

Girl names meaning crusades. All you need to know about crusades. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about crusades. Baby girl names meaning crusades. List of new born baby name, meaning crusades at crusades.

French, France girl names


14 Jun , 2013  

The baby name Jordane is a girl name. The name Jordane comes from the French, France origin. In English The meaning of the name Jordane is: Down flowing. The river in Palestine where Jesus was baptized has been used as a given name since the Crusades. Information: Name: JordaneName meaning: Down flowing. The river in […]

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Spanish, Spain girl names


14 Jun , 2013  

The baby name Jordana is a girl name. The name Jordana comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English The meaning of the name Jordana is: Down flowing. The river in Palestine where Jesus was baptized has been used as a given name since the Crusades. Information: Name: JordanaName meaning: Down flowing. The river in […]

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English girl names


14 Jun , 2013  

The baby name Jordanna is a girl name. The name Jordanna comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Jordanna is: Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. Down flowing. The river in Palestine where Jesus was baptized has been used as a given name since the Crusades. Information: Name: JordannaName meaning: Variant […]

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English girl names


14 Jun , 2013  

The baby name Jordanne is a girl name. The name Jordanne comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Jordanne is: Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. Down flowing. The river in Palestine where Jesus was baptized has been used as a given name since the Crusades. Information: Name: JordanneName meaning: Variant […]

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English girl names


24 Apr , 2013  

The baby name Jori is a girl name. The name Jori comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Jori is: Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. Down flowing. The river in Palestine where Jesus was baptized has been used as a given name since the Crusades. Information: Name: JoriName meaning: Variant […]

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