Girl names meaning catholic

Girl names meaning catholic. All you need to know about catholic. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about catholic. Baby girl names meaning catholic. List of new born baby name, meaning catholic at catholic.

French, France girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Babette is a girl name. The name Babette comes from the French, France origin. In English The meaning of the name Babette is: Stranger: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. Information: Name: BabetteName meaning: Stranger: Traveler from a foreign land. In […]

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English girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Barbara is a girl name. The name Barbara comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Barbara is: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. Information: Name: BarbaraName meaning: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. […]

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English girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Barbra is a girl name. The name Barbra comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Barbra is: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. Information: Name: BarbraName meaning: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. […]

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English girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Barbie is a girl name. The name Barbie comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Barbie is: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. Information: Name: BarbieName meaning: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. […]

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English girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Barbi is a girl name. The name Barbi comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Barbi is: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. Information: Name: BarbiName meaning: Traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Genessa is a girl name. The name Genessa comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Genessa is: Origin: birth. Genisis is the name of the first book in the Bible. Genisia – the Virgin Mary of Turin – is a protectress invoked against drought in Catholic tradition. […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Genesis is a girl name. The name Genesis comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Genesis is: Origin: birth. Genisis is the name of the first book in the Bible. Genisia – the Virgin Mary of Turin – is a protectress invoked against drought in Catholic tradition. […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Genisis is a girl name. The name Genisis comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Genisis is: Origin: birth. Genisis is the name of the first book in the Bible. Genisia – the Virgin Mary of Turin – is a protectress invoked against drought in Catholic tradition. […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Genisia is a girl name. The name Genisia comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Genisia is: Origin: birth. Genisis is the name of the first book in the Bible. Genisia – the Virgin Mary of Turin – is a protectress invoked against drought in Catholic tradition. […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Genisa is a girl name. The name Genisa comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Genisa is: Origin: birth. Genisis is the name of the first book in the Bible. Genisia – the Virgin Mary of Turin – is a protectress invoked against drought in Catholic tradition. […]

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