Girl names meaning adams

Girl names meaning adams. All you need to know about adams. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about adams. Baby girl names meaning adams. List of new born baby name, meaning adams at adams.

Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Eva is a girl name. The name Eva comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Eva is: Life. Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the first woman. Information: Name: EvaName meaning: Life. Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Eve is a girl name. The name Eve comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Eve is: Life. Living one. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the first woman. Information: Name: EveName meaning: Life. Living one. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Eviana is a girl name. The name Eviana comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Eviana is: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the first woman. Information: Name: EvianaName meaning: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Evia is a girl name. The name Evia comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Evia is: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the first woman. Information: Name: EviaName meaning: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Evette is a girl name. The name Evette comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Evette is: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the first woman. Information: Name: EvetteName meaning: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Evetta is a girl name. The name Evetta comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Evetta is: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the first woman. Information: Name: EvettaName meaning: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Evita is a girl name. The name Evita comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Evita is: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the first woman. Information: Name: EvitaName meaning: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was […]

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Hebrew girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Evie is a girl name. The name Evie comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Evie is: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was Adam’s wife and the first woman. Information: Name: EvieName meaning: Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was […]

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