Girl names meaning favorite

Girl names meaning favorite. All you need to know about favorite. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about favorite. Baby girl names meaning favorite. List of new born baby name, meaning favorite at favorite.

Arabian, arabic girl names


29 Feb , 2024  

The baby name Aisha is a girl name. The name Aisha comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Aisha is: Lively: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of the prophet Mohammed. Information: Name: AishaName meaning: Lively: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite […]

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Arabian, arabic girl names


29 Feb , 2024  

The baby name Aishah is a girl name. The name Aishah comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Aishah is: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of the prophet Mohammed. Information: Name: AishahName meaning: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of […]

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African, Africa girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Ashia is a girl name. The name Ashia comes from the African, Africa origin. In English The meaning of the name Ashia is: Somali female name referring to the prophet Muhammed’s favorite wife. Information: Name: AshiaName meaning: Somali female name referring to the prophet Muhammed’s favorite wife. Gender: Female / Feminine / […]

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Arabian, arabic girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Aysha is a girl name. The name Aysha comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Aysha is: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of the prophet Mohammed. Information: Name: AyshaName meaning: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of […]

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Arabian, arabic girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Ayesha is a girl name. The name Ayesha comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Ayesha is: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of the prophet Mohammed. Information: Name: AyeshaName meaning: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of […]

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Arabian, arabic girl names


7 Feb , 2019  

The baby name Ayeisha is a girl name. The name Ayeisha comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Ayeisha is: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of the prophet Mohammed. Information: Name: AyeishaName meaning: Woman. Life. Aisha was the name of the favorite wife of […]

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Greek girl names


23 Jan , 2013  

The baby name Lais is a girl name. The name Lais comes from the Greek origin. In English The meaning of the name Lais is: favorite name with poets Information: Name: LaisName meaning: favorite name with poets Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Greek
