Girl names meaning fatima

Girl names meaning fatima. All you need to know about fatima. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about fatima. Baby girl names meaning fatima. List of new born baby name, meaning fatima at fatima.

Arabian, arabic girl names

Fatima Hasna

7 May , 2016  

The baby name Fatima Hasna is a girl name. The name Fatima Hasna comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Fatima Hasna is: FATIMA MEANS MOHAMMEDS FAVOURITE DAUGHTER AND HASNA MEANS BEAUTIFUL. Information: Name: Fatima HasnaName meaning: FATIMA MEANS MOHAMMEDS FAVOURITE DAUGHTER AND HASNA MEANS BEAUTIFUL.Gender: Female / Feminine […]

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Arabian, arabic girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Fatimah is a girl name. The name Fatimah comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Fatimah is: Variation of Fatima. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad: one of four perfect women mentioned in the Koran. The other three were Aisha: Khadijah: and Mary. Information: Name: FatimahName meaning: […]

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African, Africa girl names


7 May , 2016  

The baby name Fatuma is a girl name. The name Fatuma comes from the African, Africa origin. In English The meaning of the name Fatuma is: Popular Swahili and Somali versions of the name Muslim name, FATIMA, meaning “weaned.” Information: Name: FatumaName meaning: Popular Swahili and Somali versions of the name Muslim name, FATIMA, meaning […]

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Arabian, arabic girl names


24 Apr , 2013  

The baby name Khadijah is a girl name. The name Khadijah comes from the Arabian, arabic origin. In English The meaning of the name Khadijah is: Muhammad’s first wife who the Koran describes as one of four perfect women. (Fatima and Mary and Aisha were the others.) Information: Name: KhadijahName meaning: Muhammad’s first wife who […]

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